What about that second child?

So, I told you we wanted another child. Soon. What about that? To know the answer, you must know that I’ve been selfish. Oh so selfish. And proud. I was so thrilled. My freelance workload increased exponentially, and I began to start a women’s Bible study for when we move to Lynchburg. “There’s no way I can do all of that and have another…

The jagged rocks of our issues . . .

Well, we’re in marriage counseling. As the sun sets on the altar kiss, it is tempting to think that our issues set with it, disappearing into the darkness. But they are only temporarily covered by the glistening white sands of the honeymoon. Eventually, enough wind will blow and the jagged  rocks will be revealed. I could blame our need for counseling on the way…

Becoming a mom, now, and again? . . .

“A mom – that’s what I want to be.” Several inquiring heads turned back to look at me. The professor acknowledged that my answer indeed satisfied the age-old question, and with haste moved on to the next student. I had shocked even myself. I was studying art in Europe at the time. Didn’t I want to be a graphic designer? Yes, I did. But…

Why Liam Alexander Toews? . . .

Although “Liam” is usually translated in Irish, as Christians we were intrigued by its Hebrew meaning. “Liam” can be translated as “my nation” or “my people.” This reminds us of the modern difference between those two terms. While we honor the USA as our family’s nation, our “people” will forever be the Church – no matter where we go on our journey to the…

Two couples, one goal…

Two airplane pilots stand back to back on the green grass. One lets an arrow loose from the bow with his right hand, the other with his left. Thud. Thud. The target is pierced twice. Each hits dead center once in the game. Each wins one of two rounds. They had met years before, in college, where they both pursued mission aviation. Each one’s…

Our big project – revealed!!…

Today we are SO excited to reveal Paper Dove Ministries – Christian Missionary Social Media Headquarters, run by us! This ministry is an effort to share the expertise Anna has gained from her master’s thesis on the role of social media in raising funds and awareness for Christian missionaries. It will soon be a web site with helpful content, videos, and opportunities for Skype…

Our wedding video…

The wonderful Pridmoria photography (see or purchase our photos here: http://www.pridmoria.com/toewswedding) and videography team secretly recorded our wedding so we could view it later! I thought I’d post it here for good measure, since it is a large part of our journey! (The sermon is wonderful too.) Edit: [Oh yeah, and our first kiss is at 26:14!] By the way, the next step for this blog…

1.3 Years by the Numbers…

Today WordPress notified me that it’s been a year since I started this blog. Sorry WordPress, my first post was on January 29th, 2012, so it’s actually been 1.3 years. Anyway, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to reflect on the difference between then and now. 1.3 Years Ago: On January 29th, 2012… First blog post: “So here I am, a privileged young MBA student, admitting…

Have I made your life a little bit miserable yet?

My fresh mascara flowed down my red, puffy face. I stood in someone else’s bathroom, facing my husband, with the door shut. I attempted to speak in a hushed voice through the sobs so they wouldn’t know what was going on. “I just feel like I make their lives a little bit miserable every time I talk about it.” I wiped under my eyes…

A simple identity…

I love the simple identity that I have as I walk to and from the central mail boxes in my apartment complex, down the asphalt road. If a neighbor stopped me to say hello, these are the facts they might learn: I am 26. I am a Marine wife. I am working from home. I am pregnant. I am living in apartment 33. I…