What about that second child?

So, I told you we wanted another child. Soon. What about that?

To know the answer, you must know that I’ve been selfish. Oh so selfish. And proud.

I was so thrilled. My freelance workload increased exponentially, and I began to start a women’s Bible study for when we move to Lynchburg. “There’s no way I can do all of that and have another child,” I thought. “I’d burn out. Besides, I’m living my dream! I’d really rather that nothing got in the way!” Selfishness.

“I’m doing SO well with my freelance career. I’m going to make so much money for our little family. We won’t have to go without. We won’t have to worry in Lynchburg.” Pride.

Just as that last thought exhilarated me, my heart put out a warning : “This is not how God works. He doesn’t want you to be independent. He wants you to rely on Him. You will have to as a missionary. He wants you to start practicing now.”

As they say, pride comes before a fall. And I fell. Hard. My work diminished, then completely disappeared. Oh, I kid you not. I even started to get bad reviews on my work from some of my clients. This had never happened before. Ever. “I must be losing my touch,” I said to my family with a sad face. But I knew that wasn’t truly the case. God had always provided work when I’ve needed it. And I began to realize that if he gives, he must also have the power to take away.

I believe God allowed this kind of discipline from Him in my life because He knew that I’d understand it. He wasn’t trying to be cruel. Far from it. He was trying to show me something, and I knew I needed to find out what that was. So I began to seek.

I looked everywhere for lessons He could be teaching me. Nothing. I prayed. I waited. I read devotionals. Still nothing.

Last night I decided to fiddle with the family finances and see what would happen if I never worked another freelance hour. (Yes, I was in that much despair.) And I found something interesting: I truly didn’t need to make another cent in order to get us through Lynchburg. Would it be tight? Yes, extremely. Would we have any money at the end of the year? Nope. But at least we could make it through. In fact, we’d have exactly enough. I sighed and bowed my head. “Ok, God. I get it. This isn’t a justified worry that I won’t be able to get work done in order to feed my family. This is an issue of selfishness and pride.”

“If it pleases you, I won’t work one more day. I will spend more time with Liam. I will do the important task of raising my children well. And yes, I will be open to another child.” The many weeks of  heart-humbling desert-walking made it possible for me to mean it.

And you know what? This morning I woke up, and I thought, “I still mean that.” And I lived like I said I would.

As I was spending more time with Liam on a walk, an email came through my phone from a favorite client: “Would you have time to do a large project for us?” I had spent so long waiting for this moment. I had imagined it would make my heart feel full of purpose and life again. But as I took a breath to let it fill up, I found that my heart was already full.

Traveling Toews Tribune: #1

It’s finally time – time to start our missionary newsletter. We didn’t think it would come this soon. But there is demand. And our journey has started.

Several of you have expressed interest in following us on our journey into the mission aviation field. In times past, we would point you to our blog, Paper Dove Missions, which has grown to approximately 100 readers per story. Some great stories have gathered over 200 views. But the stories are just that – they are stories – anecdotes of our lives.

The idea for the Traveling Toews Tribune was sparked when a church, interested in supporting us, asked us to send them our regular missionary updates. It was then that we realized that we needed something that told the facts of the matter – not just the stories. And there was demand for it – right here, right now.

So here we go. The Traveling Toews Tribune will help record the facts of our missionary journey – a journey to serve the third world in the name of Jesus by flying small aircraft to help locals and missionaries. It will also be posted on the Paper Dove Missions blog.

God bless you all,
Justin, Anna & Liam Toews

Why Liam Alexander Toews? . . .

Although “Liam” is usually translated in Irish, as Christians we were intrigued by its Hebrew meaning. “Liam” can be translated as “my nation” or “my people.” This reminds us of the modern difference between those two terms. While we honor the USA as our family’s nation, our “people” will forever be the Church – no matter where we go on our journey to the mission aviation field. As we leave the USA, we know it will always be a part of our definition of “home,” but “home” will also be wherever the Body of Christ welcomes us to go and to serve.

In addition to being discovered by a random middle name generator on the internet, and sounding wonderful between “Liam” and “Toews,” the name “Alexander” means “defender of the people.” We hope that as our first born child, Liam may be the defender and protector of his younger siblings. (Though we won’t mind if he decides to cause a little trouble as well.)

Therefore, we are pleased to announce that our son, Liam Alexander Toews, was born on November 29th, 2013 at 2:41 in the morning at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and measuring 19.5 inches. Below is the birth announcement that I designed for him many months ago.

The story of Liam’s birth is a miracle which deserves its own, carefully written, post. As we are just three weeks in to having a newborn, that post has not yet been realized. Please stay tuned! You can make sure you don’t miss it by clicking on “Follow Us” on the menu at the top of this page.


Two couples, one goal…

Two airplane pilots stand back to back on the green grass. One lets an arrow loose from the bow with his right hand, the other with his left. Thud. Thud. The target is pierced twice. Each hits dead center once in the game. Each wins one of two rounds. They had met years before, in college, where they both pursued mission aviation. Each one’s dream came to them in high school: to serve God in the name of Jesus Christ by helping missionaries and local people in third world areas have access to food, supplies, medical care, and transportation through the use of small airplanes. The two friends flew together to visit different aviation ministries and encouraged each other in their goals. They also trained relentlessly in martial arts together, finishing in the brown and black belt categories.

Two ladies recline in matching lounge chairs nearby in the shade of the hot day. Each wears a genuine vintage ring with a round cut diamond, surrounded by intricate white gold filigree. One’s name is Annaleis, the other, Anna Lisa. They each  married one of the archers this year. The weddings were only two weeks apart. They had been drawn together by their husbands. Neither one knew of the other more than a year ago. But each woman had heard her own call to missions, to serve beside her husband.

Two couples, one goal: mission aviation.  Each had seen the hand of God in their journey towards their goal – and they were almost ready.

But that day was the last day. It was the last day before the big move. Our friends Cory and Annaleis Woodsum have left California for a great job in Hawaii. But we are hopeful. On our journey as missionaries there will be times of parting, and this is only a foretaste of it. But there is a peace that dwells in us that tells us we will meet again. As the Woodsums leave to pursue a job in aviation, and we stay to serve our country and finish aviation maintenance school, there is a hope that we will all realize our dream and serve overseas together.

Whatever doors open for us down the road, we know we have been blessed to come this far, and to know each other. May our friendship continue for years to come.


I married a missionary!…

“Did you feel the Holy Spirit? It was there.”

A little more than three weeks ago, I married Justin Toews, and became Anna Lisa Toews. A new name, a new identity in Christ. Wife, future missionary. Justin’s goal is to be a missionary pilot – flying supplies and people to remote areas of the third world – all for the glory of God!

There was no mention of this on our save-the-date, invitation, or in the program. Those who knew, knew, and those who didn’t – well, they got a bit of a surprise when my Father made his toast to our missionary career! The toast was heart-warming and more than we ever expected or could have asked for.

And now I am home, learning what it means to be a military wife, future missionary, student, and business owner (Anna Lisa Toews : Graphic Design, Social Media & Business Consulting in One). The laundry and cleaning call me when I have business to attend to, and my business calls me when I have schoolwork to do. Then, lo and behold, it’s 5 o’clock! It’s time for hubby to come home . . . is dinner ready?

I am saying this to make a point that when change comes – even wonderful change – adjustment is necessary. But no matter how many adjustments need to be made, God is my one constant in life. If anything deserves my time, it is Him.

Just as our friend and mentor said, “Did you feel the Holy Spirit? It was there.” I want to be there for Him too.


One step closer…

My books for my Bible classes came today! One step closer to becoming a missionary! 😀

– Anna